The Most Cool Tourist Attractions in Bandung for Relaxing

Vraag en AntwoordCategory: OverproductieThe Most Cool Tourist Attractions in Bandung for Relaxing
anzelina asked 5 years ago

7 Bandung Nature Tourism , No. 4 Most Tasty to Hang Out
Bandung is one of the cities in Indonesia that is starting to get national attention. This is thanks to the natural attractions of Bandung in the form of city parks and beautiful sidewalks.
Bandung has 7 natural attractions in Bandung that offer a variety of facilities, ranging from games to educational tours. This article will discuss the seven natural attractions, ranging from the facilities offered to the price of admission you have to pay.
Bandung Nature Tourism
Bandung, a city famous for its natural coolness and green mountain views, is a city that is a holiday destination not only for local tourists, but also for foreign tourists.
Not only being an art center and shopping center, Bandung also offers beautiful mountain nature tourism.
Because there are quite a lot of tourist spots, my Finance team has put together 7 Bandung natural attractions that will certainly not disappoint and offer unbeatable views.
1 Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda
This park is a fairly extensive forest park, covering almost 600 hectares, stretching from Dago Pakar to Maribaya Lembang.
This vast park has several entrances, but the most accessible entrance is the gate from the Dago Pakar direction.
In addition to the spotted deer breeding tourist attraction, in the Forest Park area of ​​Ir. H. Djuanda has many other attractions.
The first is the Japanese Cave and the Dutch Cave. Each of them is a relic of the colonial period where the Japanese Cave was built in 1942 and the Dutch Cave was built in 1918.
Access roads in both caves are quite good and you will have no trouble passing it. The second is Omas waterfall or also known as Maribaya waterfall.
If you enter the forest area through the Dago Pakar gate, you have to pass a distance of 5-6 kilometers to get to this waterfall. The closest access is by entering through the Maribaya gate.
The height of the waterfall which is a meeting of the Cikawari River and the Cigulung River reaches 30 meters. You can also do light hiking in the park area on the path that has been provided